The Prototype

The prototype version was presented to DG MOVE in May 2014 during the Second User Workshop. It met two key objectives: First, it provided a sound basis for user involvement; the prototype facilitated discussions on user requirements with a concrete basis, inspiring discussions among tool users and developers on how the final HIGH-TOOL model should look like. Secondly, the prototype allowed the HIGH-TOOL team to make experiences with the modular tool development, and to draw important lessons for the development of the final tool.

The prototype is structured along six thematic modules, a database, the user interface and the assessment module. The thematic modules are: Demography, Economy & Resources, Passenger Demand, Freight Demand, Environment & Vehicle Stock and Safety.

The prototype version is Excel-based, works at NUTS-0 level, and – following its main purpose to support user involvement and modular tool development – has not undergone any extensive validation and calibration approach.

Project Stages